Tabor 100 Loan Program

Free up Capital

Reduce Debt

Increase Creditworthiness


Tabor 100 is providing loans to small business owners with low interest rates in order to free up capital, reduce debt and improve creditworthiness. 

Black Business
1.5 %
Black Population
7.9 %

Learn More Below

The Tabor 100 Loan Program may be a good fit for the business if the business:

  • Is able to pay their current financial commitments and repay the loan
  • Has cash only and does not use any banking services
  • Has been unable to access loans in the past
  • Has limited or low household income
  • Has a low credit score or no credit history

Eligibility Overview

The following types of businesses ARE NOT eligible to participate in the loan program:
● Businesses who are not located in Washington state

● Businesses primarily engaged in political or lobbying activities

● Businesses that restrict patronage for any reason other than legal requirements

● Licensed Cannabis Operations

● Businesses engaged in any predatory activity such as high cost/high interest rent-to-own businesses and check cashing businesses (see FAQ for additional examples)

If any of these issues apply to you, you will need to provide additional information or context:
If you have delinquent debt (such as child support, back taxes) there will need to have a written payment plan in place.
If you have a past bankruptcy, you will need to provide the context and history of bankruptcy.
If you are involved in pending litigation (including active bankruptcy or active divorce) more details will need to be provided.


Education systems and institutions that incubate and accelerate businesses are not producing a sufficient number of skilled entrepreneurs and business owners of color that enable POC-owned businesses to reach revenue equity.


Through an interlocking set of factors including regulations, underwriting guidelines, historic redlining, gaps in family wealth, and networks, businesses owned by POC face systemic barriers to securing debt and equity financing.


The structure and practice of corporate and government procurement systems produce barriers to accessing contracting opportunities for businesses owned by POC. At the consumer level, accessing clients through online and brick-and-mortar channels present such barriers. Rent costs in high-income communities and lack of access to appropriate distribution channels limit the POC business owners’ ability to reach consumers with significant disposable income.

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